Thursday 28 February 2013

Serious case of CBF...

I kinda knew it would come but now I just don't know if I can go on...I feel exhausted and my body hurts! I am in a ditch!! Time to give myself a good talking too, to turn my CBF (can't be f#@ked) into JFDI! I think this week has been 'one of those weeks...'. My Monday morning workout didn't go as planned (see below!!). Then the family came over on Monday night for a birthday and decided to get pizza for tea - I ate 3 pieces at about a gazillion calories!! And washed it down with a glass or two of wine...Wednesday - friends drop in, I over eat and drink wine!! Thursday night after a fairly hard RPM class and group PT session I reward myself with a glass of wine which results in an empty bottle followed by insatiable snacking on whatever I can find...went to bed feeling angry and disappointed at myself! I have hardly filled in my food diary this week as I can’t face the numbers…This morning – alarm wakes me at 6.00 am, I roll over, turn it off and go back to la la land! Woke up around 7.00 am feeling angry and disappointed in myself… What has happened – last week was fine…this week however…WTF!!
Okay – time to stop bitching and take back control!  This is MY journey…and I AM going to achieve the goals I set out to! Gym gear packed – gonna smash out a session after work and then I am going home to do MB’s core and flexibility workout. Tomorrow, I am going to do MB Extreme and take a run…so watch out, the fire is on and this little chickie is going to make sh!t happen!

The time is NOW!

Tuesday 26 February 2013

Monday morning blues...

So the alarm interrupted my slumber at 5:30 am… I rolled out of bed – still half a sleep and pulled on my gym gear. MB Extreme DVD was in the player and raring to go – me I was ready to SMASH it!! Half way through the warm-up, I realised my body just wasn’t going to play. I couldn’t get my legs to do what I wanted them to do…I started getting very peed off because my head was ready to GO HARD my body however was ready to fall in a heap!! I took off my sneakers and threw them across the room to see if bare foot would stop my feet hurting – they hurt even more, so I pushed pause and adjusted the laces and changed my socks – still no better!! It was a HARD slog…ever rep felt like a hundred, sweat was dripping off my body and I was spent! By the end of the DVD, I was so disappointed – I felt I had just done the softest workout ever!! Then – the voice of reason (my 14 year old son!!) “Well at least you did it! And finished!!”…Words of wisdom – damn right, I could have stayed in bed, I could have stopped 5 minutes in, I could have given up BUT I didn’t!! YAY for me…

MB Extreme – watch out, because I’m coming for you!!
The time is NOW!!!

How much IS a kilogram of fat?

One of the things I have struggled with, is putting into perspective exactly how much I have lost - "I only lost 1 kilo" I hear me say! One kilo....well blow me down!! That is more than a tub of butter...that much fat GONE!! That is more than my daughter weighed when she was born...Think about how many carrots in a kilo or even better how much chocolate is in a kilo...
And if I keep losing 1 kilo a week - at the end of a year, I will have lost 52 kilograms....(I don't even have that much to lose!!)

A kilogram of FAT
So losing a kilo (or losing anything at all...) is a damn good achievement - pat on the back and move forward to next week :)

The time is NOW!!!


If there is one thing MB has really taught me over the past few weeks – it is that  motivation is a crock! And you know what – it is true!! When I think about it, I could have added motivation to my list of excuses…when I don’t feel like it – I whinge I’m lacking motivation!! I thought about this in terms of my job (teacher of teens…) and guess what…some mornings I am not motivated to go to work and face all the teen drama and attitude but I JFDI!! So surely exercise is the same – I already know I am not going to approach every workout with a fire in my belly and a smile on my face – sometimes I have to drag my sneakers on and force myself there but after I have JFDI – I feel better – way better than when I cave and DON’T do it!!

The time is NOW!!!

Monday 18 February 2013

Top 100

So I've decided to write the top 100 reasons I want to get to my goal – to be fit and discard a couple (well 30ish!!) kgs...

I want to wear a bikini – not just wear it but wear it WELL!

Skydiving – always wanted to but the thought of an elephant jumping out of a plane is a bit scary!!

Feel sexy – I want to wear a slinky evening gown and feel sexy…not frumpy!!

Confidence – not having my weight as the first thing I think other people notice

Being able to toss the granny knickers – sexy matching bra and knickers (and not just on special occasions…)

See my toes – I know they are still down there…I kick the little buggars on the end of the bed every now and then…

Speaking of toes…goodbye camel toe…eeewwww

Get rid of my built in apron – it’s gone well past a muffin top, now it hangs over the top of my pants…

No more chub rub – yes…between the legs, the butt cheeks and the boobs…

To be healthier

So I don’t have fatty bits that my kids like to jiggle – “oooh…it’s like jelly!!”

To be someone else’s ‘thin’spiration – I want others to say “If she can do it, so can I!!”

So I can buy clothes that are on the special – there seems to be a myriad of size 8’s and 10’s but very rarely any ‘Plus Sizes’ (and when they are there – NOBODY would want to wear it…

To show off my muscles, not my flab

Reduce the risk of diabetes

So I can get my belly button pierced and not be afraid the poor piercer will get lost finding my belly button…

Get a tattoo on my butt

So when I exercise, my fat doesn’t jiggle…

When I am on a plane, I don’t feel I am intruding into the next seats personal space

I can sit in the car without my butt overhanging the chair

So I can actually PLAY with my kids without feeling like an oompa loompa

My boobs will stick out further than my stomach…

So I can cross my legs in an elegant, lady-like manner…

I want need to carry a towel on hot days because I won’t sweat like a pig!

Have more energy – I won’t need quite as much just hauling the bod around…

Sleep better

So I can tell people “I used to be overweight once” and they look at me in disbelief…

I look like I actually ‘do’ workout

Get rid of ‘side boob’…not a good look

Kancles….enough said!!

I won’t need to embarrass people that ask me when I am due…

So I ‘look’ like a runner when I ran, not a fat chick trying to lose weight…

To buy clothes because I like them, not because they fit

So I can read the scales without needing to manipulate my belly

So I can stop losing weight

So I can sit on a bar stool and not look like I am trying to swallow it

Other people will admire my physique and comment “I wish I looked as good as you!”

Save water, because smaller clothes, means less washing…

So I love myself

Get a Brazilian

I will be able to make a new New Year’s resolution…

So on a cold day a can wear an oversized jumper and hug my knees to my chest and feel snug

I will stop wearing out the inside of the thighs in my pants…

Sex…more confident, more attractive, more energy, more sex!!

So I can touch my toes – without bending my knees

So I can wear my trackies and look ‘sporty’ not ‘lazy’

To be able to finish the City to Bay – 12km

I want to be strong, happy and healthy

So I don’t need to find any more excuses

To sleep better

Because I believe in myself

So when I’m stressed I can exercise

Because I want to!!

So I can spend my time NOT concentrating on my weight

I plan to be around for a LOOOONG time’

So I can compete in triathlons – not as the try-hard fat girl!

Because I love the way ‘fit’ feels

Because I will only fail if I quit

I want to see my abs

To be known as fit not fat

To find new friends that also want to be fit and fab

Because I love the sore from exercise

To avoid the myriad of disease that overweight add to

I want one of those photos where I am wearing my old fat clothes with my skinny new body

To be the best version of me

So when I eat out, I am not self-conscious of people watching me!

So I can sit on my man’s lap without the fear of snapping his legs

Because a new size means a new wardrobe = shopping J

Because I don’t want to be fat any more

It will change the way the world sees me

Because I do have time and money to invest in me…

So I can fit in a Smart car – if I want to….

Get rid of my ‘back boobs’

So when I get a spray tan, I don’t need to lift each of my rolls

So I am not ‘morbidly obese’

Because I want to be a good role model for my kids

Because I want to see my little tracker get to the other end!!

So when I wave, my tuck shop arms don’t keep flapping when I have stopped

So I can wear my bathers without anything over top

Because I don’t want to laugh at any more ‘beached whale’ jokes

Because eating crap is punishment to my body

Because I want to see the real me

So I can giggle without the jiggle

Because it will change the way I see the world

First impressions count – I want mine to be a good one!

So I don’t have to wear suck me in knickers – uncomfortable much!!

So when I run, my boobs don’t bounce around and leave me with the fear of black eyes

So I can wear high heels and not feel like I am balancing on a golf tee!!

So know one will need to ask ‘How’s the diet going?’ – aaaahhhhhhhh – it is STILL going

Because I want to look good in my birthday suit…

Because the fitter I get the easier it gets to be fit

So I can start yoga and feel like I belong

I would love to be a personal trainer

Because burpees are fun – said no one EVER…(but I will keep doing them)

Because when I turn 40 (2014), I want to do it in style!!!

To be able to look at a photo with me in it and take more notice of the when and where NOT how fat I look

To have a massage without being embarrassed about my flabby bits

So I don’t need to put myself down because I think it is what everyone else is thinking

To be able to have a ‘fat day’ not a ‘fat life’

I know getting fit and healthy cannot fix everything but you know what – writing this list surely shows the benefits FAR OUTWEIGHT the negatives

The time is NOW!!!